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Gigantic's Marketing Manifesto

Stop...posting​, boosting​, pitching, blogging​, tweeting, podcasting​, explaining​, spamming, and seeking transactions with no plan whatsoever.

An elderly man wearing a striped shirt and a baseball cap looks pleases and gives a thumbs-up

Gigantic's Two Pillar Marketing Manifesto 

(1) You need a plan, not to be confused with "goals".


Without a plan, your team goes through the motions (advertising, events, PR, digital) based on random budgets without a strategy or formal procedures able to measure performance. It kills businesses because they're never sure when they're wasting valuable resources. Worse yet, they're too busy to identify successful campaigns, making marketing teams unable to double-down on high-performing campaigns or even justify their department's existence. 


Without a Marketing plan your team is doing busy work, sometimes handled by talented marketers...but unfocused marketing doesn't move the needle. Your plan shouldn't be confused with quarterly goals. Goals might be increasing distribution and hitting new financial targets, but these goals don't explain how you'll get there. An omnichannel marketing plan lays out the the consumer-centric strategy (the roadmap) you'll follow to achieve your goals.

(2) People buy from people. Your marketing needs to be dripping with humanity to make human connections.

Here's a quick self-audit to run for your business. Try giving your company a fresh look (as a potential customer would) by asking yourself the following questions:


  1. Do potential customers see the history, place, and people behind the brand on your packaging, website, and social feeds? 

  2. Do you have a declared mission, or reason to exist beyond selling services or widgets? Your mission, as simple as it may be, will help you differentiate your brand and find your target market. It doesn't need to be a world-saving project, but few brands prosper these days with a product-first mentality that connects with a target market.

  3. Does your team have a scalable (and actionable) marketing plan to follow, aligned with other teams' goals? It should be designed to build the brand, increase marketshare, and grow profits


If you answered 'no' to one or more of the questions above, you're likely here because you are no longer connecting with today's consumers and have hit a wall. Chances are, the top competitors in your category do a great job telling their stories, differentiating themselves in the market and earning better margins for products that aren't necessarily as good as yours. Sound familiar, contact Jason.

Modern marketing, branding, and recruiting, organically grown in the redwoods of Humboldt County, California.

Eureka - Arcata - San Francisco - Boston - Prague - Anywhere

An illustration of a marketing anchor

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